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EFOY Fuel Cell Generators

Once tried, never forgotten; with an EFOY Comfort Fuel Cell from SFC Energy AG installed on board, you can look forward to having a fully autonomous, maintenance-free power supply to keep batteries fully charged without any need for intervention on your part. All that's needed from time to time is a simple fuel cartridge change. 
Boat owners have been using EFOY Comfort Fuel Cells to provide reliable electricity while cruising and when far from the hubbub of busy harbors, and more and more race boats are choosing the lightweight, quiet power supplies from SFC Energy to deliver reliability and success.
An EFOY Comfort Fuel Cell transforms chemical energy into electrical energy directly, with no intermediate steps, no moving parts and with no significant loss in energy, making it a particularly efficient source of power. A lot of patented innovation has gone into EFOY units, making the EFOY Fuel Cell a marvel of miniaturization, and a lightweight but high-powered, long-lasting performer. 
EFOY Fuel Cells lead the field in fuel-cell systems for mobile applications.